homme histoire napoléon

As the self-proclaimed Emperor of France, Napoleon would travers the open plains of the Champagne Region of France as the shortest way to the rest of Europe…
In 1807 he stopped en-route and visited the town of Épernay.
“Napoleon had a very close connection to the Moët & Chandon Champagne dynasty.
The connection began back in 1782, when the future Emperor was at military school in Brienne-le-Château. It was here that he met Jean-Rémy Moët, grandson of Claude Moët, who founded the Moët business. The younger Moët was actually at the school soliciting orders for the family business when he encountered Napoleon.
The word “Champagne” was music to Napoleon’s ears.
The two boys formed a fast friendship that not only remained strong and steadfast over the years, but arguably led the light, bubbly beverage to play quite a supporting role in French history as well.
Before every military campaign, Napoleon made a point of visiting the Moët & Chandon house to stock up on cases of Champagne.
(Well, every campaign except Waterloo, according to Don and Petie Kladstrup in their book Champagne)
Maybe that’s when Napoleon famously said, “Champagne! In victory one deserves it, in defeat one needs it.

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